Welcome to the access page for your online video remote interpreting service – VRI.

To access the online interpreter immediately, please click/tap here:

By clicking/tapping the above button, you will be connected directly to the next available online British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter.

This will enable you to discuss with a Deaf sign language user as if the interpreter is in the same room/location as you and the Deaf person (Video Remote Interpreting – VRI).

Please ensure that the Deaf person can see the screen with the interpreter being able to see the Deaf person and you are able to hear and be heard by the interpreter.

This page is for any AD-HOC situations where communication is required between Social Security Scotland staff and a Deaf BSL user. This is not for Pre-Booked appointments.

Contact details if required:
Main office/contact centre:  

Telephone:Office hours: 0333 344 7712 

Email:   admin@signlanguageinteractions.com (responses during office hours)  

Online booking:  Bespoke access to booking portal/platform 

Confirmation confirmed within 60mis (responses during office hours)  

Post:  Sign Language Interactions  

112 Cornwall Street South  

Kinning Park  

Glasgow G41 1AA